360° Photography: What is there for retailers?

Today, more retail spending is moving online, thus it has become of vital importance for retailers to have an online presence. Shopping malls and department stores are quickly being replaced by e-Commerce. In 2017 the total retail sales reached to $23 trillion globally and 10% of those sales were made online.

Consumers nowadays are looking for a visually stimulating and interactive shopping experience, so a simple product image might not fully convince a shopper to complete a purchase. To succeed with consumers, their online shopping experience should emulate the engagement of their in-store experience and the best way to do that is through 360 degree photography. This way it is possible to increase sales and give shoppers what they want.


One of the best ways of give an interactive shopping to customers is to have 360° online showrooms. Showrooms give the feeling of traditional shopping to customers, with the commodity of shopping anywhere. Also when people are shopping, usually it’s not for a specific product. Sometimes what the customer wants is the simple experience of window shopping and see what catches the eye. With a virtual showroom this experience is amplified with special product arrangements that can increase the chances of sale, therefore virtual showrooms are not only to showcase products but it has the potential to increase sales. Showrooms can also help to decrease the amount of returns, as customers will see many options in the virtual showroom, they will purchase the article that they feel more confident about.

Having virtual tours of shops can also help showcase more products than having traditional shopping listings, because in the virtual tours will show a curated selection of products, instead of giving the client a long list of products, that will overwhelm them. Increased engagement leads to customer satisfaction and brand loyalty. Visual information is the most powerful tool you can use to attract your customers.

Professional 360 knows about the importance of having a virtual showroom. This is why we offer services to create 360° showrooms with links to online shops for retailers, with the Panono Camera, the highest resolution 360° camera in the market. Contact us at sales@panono.com to learn more about our offers and how you can increase sales, improve your business and your online presence.